Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

CSV export and PDF reports

There are three ways to export the results of the website audit report:

  • CSV files that you can open in a spreadsheet application
  • a PDF report that shows a summary (for clients and your boss)
  • a web-based client report with all of the data

The CSV file

Click ‘Export’ in the menu to go to the export page. Click one of the buttons to start the CSV download.

The CSV file is zipped. Unzip the file to open it in a spreadsheet application (for example MS Excel or LibreOffice).

Depending on the file, there are different columns. There is a preview for each file.

The PDF report

The PDF report can be used to show clients (or your boss) that websites have to be improved. Click ‘PDF report’ in the menu and then choose the chapters that should be included in the report:

Click ‘Save settings & create website audit report’ to create a report. If you want to show all of the data to your clients, use the web-based client-reports.

Proceed with ‘How to change the settings‘.

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