Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

Web-based reports for your clients

In addition to the PDF reports, SEOprofiler offers web-based reports that enable your clients to check their statistics at any time.

Just like the PDF reports, you can fully customize the reports with your own colors and your own logo. The custom web-based reports have no reference to SEOprofiler so your clients won’t find out that you use SEOprofiler to create the reports.

How to access the web-based reports

Login to your SEOprofiler account and click the ‘Web-based client reports’ link. Then choose which reports you want to offer your clients and which logo you want to use with the web-based reports:

Web-based SEO reports: settings

You can frame the custom reports on your own website or you can send your customers to a generic report domain that has no reference to SEOprofiler.

Continue with ‘How to customize the reports‘.

SEOprofiler users