Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

The right keywords are important

The keywords that you choose are the most important factors that decide whether you succeed or not.

A number 1 listing on Google can be totally pointless if it is for the wrong keyword.

If you target the wrong keywords, you’ll waste a lot of time, energy and money.

Think twice before you start

Many webmasters think that they already know the best keyword for their websites. If they haven’t done some research, they are usually wrong. There are several reasons for that:

  • You know your business much better than anybody else. You know the special terms that are used in your branch and you know what you should search for when you’re looking for products like yours.
  • Your customers don’t know as much as you. They don’t know your terminology and they might use totally different keywords. For example, people might search for the keyword “nose job” while your professional pride tells you that you should use the word “rhinoplasty.” If you don’t use the words that your customers use, your website won’t be found.
  • Have you considered the intention of the searcher? Just because a keyword is used very often on search engines it doesn’t mean that you’ll get many customers. People who find your website through a special keyword might not be interested in purchasing.

It’s very important that you take some time to find the best keywords for your website. The time and efforts that you invest in finding the right keywords will pay back in no time.

Select a chapter on the left to learn more about the keyword tools in SEOprofiler.

Continue with ‘How to find profitable keywords‘.

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