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Official Google answers to common SEO questions

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All questions with the tag “Sitemaps”:

Question Views
1. HTML sitemap vs. XML sitemap. Which one is yummy for Google search engine spider? 1,236
2. Introduction to Video Sitemaps 1,204
3. The Sitemap.xml file states there are 10,000 URLs but only 1500 have been indexed. After numerous crawls it does not appear Google is going to index these additional detail pages. What can I do to get Google to index my unique and current detail pages. 1,166
4. Why does Google crawl/index blogs (specifically sites notified by "WordPress XMLRPC pings") so much faster than a "normal" site submitting a revised Sitemap. What is the impact of that on the overall "quality" of the index? 1,151
5. In addition to using Webmaster Tools to submit an XML sitemap to Google, how important is it to also have a sitemap for users? 1,074
6. What are Google's plans for indexing the deep web? 1,019
7. Will I be penalized for having every file in my XML sitemap listed with the same priority? 1,010
8. What is the best way to deal with BIG sitemaps.xml (e.g. more than 1,000,000 pages)? 944
9. Does Googlebot use inference when spidering – having crawled and /page2.htm, can it guess at the existence of a /page3.htm and crawl it? 925

The Google Q & A database is available to paid members

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