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Official Google answers to common SEO questions

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All questions with the tag “Nofollow”:

Question Views
1. Is over optimization bad for a website? 2,886
2. What role does being in DMOZ play in rankings? 1,952
3. How does Google use human raters in web search? 1,630
4. Links from relevant and important sites have always been a great way to get traffic and acceptance for a website. How do you rate links from new platforms like Twitter, Facebook to a website? 1,361
5. How accurate is Google's backlink-check (link:…)? 1,346
6. How can linking remain a major part of a search algorithm when the majority of internet users are unable to post a 'followed' link on the World Wide Web? 1,212
7. Regarding "nofollow" on internal links: Does it hurt? 1,197
8. Does Google value its own links for PR/Linkjuice? 1,182
9. What are your views on 'PageRank sculpting'? 1,152
10. Is it a good thing to put 'nofollow' in links to a disclaimer, privacy statement and other pages like that with the internal PageRank in mind? 1,141
11. If Google crawls 1,000 pages/day, Googlebot crawling many dupe content pages may slow down indexing of a large site. In that scenario, do you recommend blocking dupes using robots.txt or is using Meta Robots noindex,nofollow a better alternative? 1,108
12. Now that Google can crawl JavaScript links, what is going to happen with all those paid links that were behind JavaScript code? 1,103
13. Is it OK to sell links as long as we use the nofollow attribute? 1,091
14. Are nofollow links worth getting? 998
15. What are Google's thoughts on blog commenting? 997
16. What is the nofollow equivalent for JavaScript links/redirections (now that you follow those too)? 901
17. I didn't get to PubCon this year but heard that if there was at least 1 unfollowed link in a webpage, all links were considered unfollow? 832

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