Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

The WDF Relevant Keyword Analyzer

The WDF Relevant Keyword Analyzer in SEOprofiler determines the most relevant keywords on a web page. Just enter the URL of a web page to get this results page:

You get these columns on the results page:


The keyword that has been found on the analyzed web page. Click a checkbox to add the corresponding keyword to the list of collected keywords. The list of collected keywords is below the keyword suggestion list.

Click the ‘Suggestions’ icon to get further suggestions for a keyword.


WDF is the abbreviation for “Within-Document Frequency”. The WDF value tries to determine the most relevant words of a text. In contrast to the keyword density, the WDF is not calculated through a simple rule of three.

The WDF formula contains two logarithms that make sure that the value cannot be manipulated by over-using the keyword on a page.

The WDF formula is:

In this formula, i is the keyword, j is the page, L is the total number of words on the page and Frequ(i,j) is the frequency of the keyword on the page.

This looks complicated but it’s rather easy. Think of WDF as some kind of ‘normalized’ keyword density value with an extra filter to get better results. The higher the WDF, the more relevant is a keyword. The maximum WDF is 1.00.

Note that there is no perfect WDF value that a keyword should have. The different WDF values help you to compare the relevancy of different keywords on a page.


How often the keyword appears on the analyzed web page.

Word Density

The keyword density based on the total number of words on the page.

Example: ‘Red shoes are cool.’

There are four words, the keyword density of ‘red’ is 1/4*100 = 25%.

Character Density

The keyword density based on the total number of characters on the page.

Example: ‘Red shoes are cool.’

There are 19 characters in the sentence, the keyword density of ‘red’ (which has 3 characters) is 3/19*100 = 15,79%.

Continue with ‘The temporary keyword list‘.

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