Competitive Google AdWords intelligence

Analyzing the Google AdWords campaigns of your competitors can help you to greatly improve your own AdWords campaigns. If you know what works for your competitors, you can eliminate a lot of trial-and-error.

Analyzing the Google AdWords campaigns of your competitors also leads to new ideas for keywords, ads and landing pages.

How to start the competitive Google AdWords intelligence tool

Select the competitive backlink intelligence tool at SEOprofiler > Your project > Competitor Spy > Google AdWords Intelligence and enter the domain name of a competitor.

A quick overview of the Google AdWords ads of your competitor

The competitive Google AdWords intelligence tool shows you a quick overview of the Google AdWords campaigns of your competitors:

adwords intelligence

Just like in all analysis tools in SEOprofiler, you can download a CSV file with comprehensive information about the rankings of your competitors. Just click the ‘Download’ panel on the report pages and download the file.

Continue with ‘Integrate Google Analytics‘.

Website audit

Keyword research

Web page optimization

Social media

Result checking

Competitive intelligence


Google AdWords

Website submission

SEO reports


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