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Quality Rater Handbooks: Another Tool for SEO Evaluation

Bruce Clay | 1 hour ago | Discuss

Quality Rater Handbooks: Another Tool for SEO Evaluation was originally published on, home of expert search engine optimization tips . Google updated its handbook for human raters and the new version, dated June 2012, has a whole new section to instruct raters on quality rating landing pages. The new section is "Page Quality Rating Guidelines". The updated search quality ...

Bing Ads Testing Longer Headlines A La Google AdWords

Search Engine Land | 3 hours ago | Discuss

Bing Ads (the new moniker for Microsoft Advertising) is testing an ad format that should be very familiar - they're combining the first two lines of text on search ads to make a much longer headline. The US market test is currently running on a small percentage of searches on Bing and... Please visit Search Engine Land for the full ...

Product Information is Key for the Showrooming Shoppers

Marketing Pilgrim | 3 hours ago | Discuss

If you ever had any doubt about how attached we've become to our mobile phones, take a look at this graph from After you get past the 11% of smartphone owners who keep their phones on hand while showering, take a look at the "While Shopping" column. 82% of smartphone users have their phone [...]

SearchCap: The Day In Search, September 10, 2012

Search Engine Land | 5 hours ago | Discuss

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Removed The Pirate Bay From Instant Search TorrentFreak reports Google has removed The Pirate Bay from showing up in Google's search suggestions... Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

3M on Winning the Second Click with Big Data Appliances at BrightEdge #Share12

Search Engine Watch | 5 hours ago | Discuss

On wednesday SEW will be moderating a panel at BrightEdge Share 12, on the theme of a "New Direction of SEO." We got a chance to catch up with panelist, Raj Rao from 3M to get his perspective on the future of websites, social media & search engines.

Google Removed The Pirate Bay From Instant Search

Search Engine Land | 5 hours ago | Discuss

TorrentFreak reports Google has removed The Pirate Bay from showing up in Google's search suggestions within Google Instant Search. Google Instant Search will auto-complete the search phrase based on search popularity and other factors. Prior to today, Google would auto-complete for the... Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

GoDaddy DNS Attack

Search Engine Journal | 6 hours ago | Discuss

Twitter is all alight with the news, jokes, and jabs as websites and email accounts hosted by registration giant, go black. Judging by some of the particular twitter babble, a Anonymous hot shot is hoping to catch a little limelight from the attack they claim to have personally launched just to see how much [...]

Google, Yahoo Agree: Democrats Searched More Than Republicans During Political Conventions

Search Engine Land | 6 hours ago | Discuss

The dust has settled on both the Republican and Democratic national conventions and, while we don't know who'll ultimately get the most votes, it's clear that Democrats won the day where search activity is concerned. Both Google and Yahoo have analyzed their users' searches... Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Facebook Completes Instagram Buy: Let the Changes Begin

Marketing Pilgrim | 6 hours ago | Discuss

"Instagram isn’t going anywhere." While I'm sure that's true in the broadest sense, I can't imagine that the site's new owner, Facebook, is going to let it continue without a great deal of modification. Facebook became the proud owner of the more than 5 billion photos shared late last week. The announcement came with this [...]

Vitaly Borker Gets 4 Years for Threats, Terror Used to Boost Google Rankings

Search Engine Watch | 6 hours ago | Discuss

Vitaly Borker, formerly of, was sentenced to four years in federal prison and ordered to pay almost $100,000 in fines and restitution for terrorizing and stalking customers who complained about his counterfeit goods.

Google Wins Major Antitrust Victory In Brazil, Does It Foreshadow Broader EU & US Wins?

Search Engine Land | 7 hours ago | Discuss

In addition to the various government antitrust investigations against Google going on around the world, there is a parallel world of private lawsuits by Google rivals and critics that make similar unfair competition or antitrust claims against Mountain View. They generally allege, among other... Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Amazon Refuses To Pay-To-Play In Google’s New Shopping Search

Search Engine Land | 7 hours ago | Discuss

As Google shifts its Shopping search to a pay-for-play model, one key commerce company appears to be sitting on the sidelines - Amazon. As noted in a New York Times feature that ran over the weekend, consumers who search on Google Shopping can find Kindles from a variety of stores via the... Please visit Search Engine Land for the full ...

Social Meme Monday

Search Engine Journal | 8 hours ago | Discuss

Mondays can really be a drag sometimes. Getting back to work after the weekend isn't always easy. SEJ likes to start each week with funny memes because you deserve to start your week right, with some humor. For this week, we found some fun social cartoons to make your day brighter. We hope you have a [...]

Too Many Social Media Sharing Buttons Make Your Site Less Social

Search Engine Journal | 10 hours ago | Discuss

On a basic level, social media sharing buttons generate free advertising. The more people who share, the more visibility your blog receives—and if all goes well, the more referral traffic your site will enjoy. And if sharing buttons are so wonderful, why wouldn’t websites want as many share buttons as possible? As it turns out, [...]

10 Simple Tips For Effective Mobile SEO

Search Engine Land | 10 hours ago | Discuss

There is little doubt that mobile search is the hot topic in the SEO world at the moment. Some brands are now finding that more than 30 percent of all searches come from mobile devices, according to Mobile Marketer. It’s fair to say that mobile search is quickly moving out of the Stone Age and [...] Please visit Search Engine ...

How To Build An Authority Strategy For Your Company

Search Engine Land | 11 hours ago | Discuss

On June 7, 2011 Google announced rel=author. There are many articles that explain the mechanics of how to setup rel=author tagging, including this excellent one by Rick DeJarnette on Search Engine Land. While this announcement got people thinking about author authority, an "authority... Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

No New Keywords Means No New Organic Visitors

Search Engine Guide | 11 hours ago | Discuss

by Nick Stamoulis I was talking with a prospective client once about their priority keywords and our conversation went something like this, Client - "We want to rank number one in Google for widgets." Me - "I think that's a good long term goal, but "widgets" is extremely competitive and there are some big players in your niche that are ...

How to Write an Effective SEO Case Study that Converts: 8 Killer Tips to Seal the Deal

Search Engine Watch | 12 hours ago | Discuss

A case study is a simple document that can become your best performing sales tool. Want to showcase your skills and talents to convince prospective clients to invest in SEO? Follow these tips to make your case studies close the deal for you.

5 Steps For A Flawless Paid Search Launch

Search Engine Land | 12 hours ago | Discuss

Why does it seem like a paid search launch has as many moving parts as launching a space shuttle? To make sure that everything gets taken care of, I adhere to a five step launch process when building a new paid search program. This process makes it easier to divide and conquer developing each part... Please visit Search Engine Land ...

Factual Global Products: Data About Over 500,000 US Consumer Packaged Goods

Search Engine Land | 12 hours ago | Discuss

Looking for facts about consumer product goods in the US? Open source data platform Factual has just launched its Factual Global Products with information on more than 517,000 consumer products. Records for each product include product name, brand, category, size, and UPC. Direct links to images... Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

A Day in the Life of an SEO

Search Engine Journal | 13 hours ago | Discuss

Working in the field of website optimization may be many things, but it’s certainly never boring! If you’re new to the industry and wondering what your day-to-day activities should look like, consider the following elements for guidance on how good SEOs structure their word days: Link Building and Monitoring Because link building plays such a [...]

Build Trails for Customers that Don't Dead End

Search Engine Guide | 13 hours ago | Discuss

by Mike Fleming You see it all the time: web marketing that fails to satisfy customer wants and needs in the buying process from first exposure to conversion.  The problem is that it's so easy to simply leave a buying trail that you're on with the web.  All it takes is a click.  This puts buyers in total control and ...

How to Find (and Hire) Quality Freelancers to Write Content & Linkable Assets

Search Engine Watch | 14 hours ago | Discuss

Publishing value-driven, quality content is a major key to SEO success. But finding a pool of reliable freelancers who have great writing chops and knowledge of a specific industry isn't easy. Here's one approach that can yield excellent results.

Search Marketing from the Display Perspective

Marketing Pilgrim | 15 hours ago | Discuss

Before joining PPC Associates in February, I spent the previous few years at Progressive Insurance. Opportunity for exposure to various digital marketing channels was abundant. The display team sat next to the search team, but we didn’t have much knowledge of the other’s day-to-day activities. However, both teams had, at the very least, a functional [...]

Content is King & Other White Lies We Tell Ourselves

Search Engine Watch | 16 hours ago | Discuss

With the infamous Google Penguin and Panda updates dismantling and devaluing various link building and outdated spammy strategies, many SEOs have immediately jumped ship to content strategy. A noble aim, but should it the be all and end all?