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Official Google answers to common SEO questions

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All questions with the tag “Duplicate Content”:

Question Views
1. In regards to the new canonicalization tag, does it make sense for large corporations to consider placing that tag on every page due to marketing tracking codes and large levels of duplicate URLs like faceted pages and load balancing servers? 1,195
2. Are product description pages on an e-commerce site termed as duplicate content, if the same product description appears on other sites? 1,181
3. Should a "Sale Page" be in a robots.txt file to avoid duplicate content? 1,145
4. What are your opinions on optimizing an e-commerce website where the main pages/products may not necessarily be rich content? 1,109
5. If Google crawls 1,000 pages/day, Googlebot crawling many dupe content pages may slow down indexing of a large site. In that scenario, do you recommend blocking dupes using robots.txt or is using Meta Robots noindex,nofollow a better alternative? 1,108
6. Will DiggBar create duplicate content issues? 1,078
7. If we were to syndicate my written content (entire articles) to multiple domains then would we be able to use the imminent cross-domain <link rel="canonical" tag to confirm which site we would like to index for a given piece of content? 1,037
8. A question to non-intended duplicate content: If an online shop can be reached through several TLDs (like .de, .at, .ch) and the only difference is the currency (and necessarily the checkout process) does Google consider this duplicate content? 1,013
9. What if there are external links to a URL that is not the canonical one? 948
10. Will the new canonical tag help with issues where you, by accident (stupid editors linking to wrong addresses) have indexed sites by the IP address rather than hostname? 932
11. Does the new canonicalization tag make it safe to add tracking arguments to some of my internal links without fear that Google will split the quality signals between the two addresses? 895

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