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Blog post: How to benefit from a Link IQ™ report


Our Link IQ™ reports can be a little bit overwhelming when you view them for the first time. They are full of valuable information that will help you to outrank your competitors on Google and other search engines. This article will help you to get the most out of your Link IQ™ reports.

It is easily possible to outrank a website that has hundreds of links if your website has backlinks with the right anchor text from a handful of trusted sites. The problem is that you have to find the links that have that much influence on your rankings.

Our Link IQ™ reports help you to find the best sites from which you should try to get links. The goal is to increase the rankings of your website on Google for keywords that deliver paying customers to your site.

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Johannes Selbach, vor 17 Tagen
Johannes Selbach has written 11 posts | User since: Sep 2010

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travelsmile (1)
vor 2 Tagen

thank you.

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