Four things that you should do before SEO can help your website

Some people use the best SEO tools to promote their websites but they still do not succeed. What is the reason for that and what can you do to make sure that your search engine optimization campaign becomes a success?


Before you start with your website marketing activities, do the following:

1. Check your business model

A sound business model is very important if you want to succeed on the Internet. The Internet has made many things easier than before but revenue must always be greater than your business expense.

Check the numbers: what is the estimated traffic, what’s the profit margin, what is the conversion rate of your web pages, etc. The numbers must be convincing.

2. Check your market

If you enter a highly saturated market, you have to invest a lot of time and money to succeed. If you start a new dating site, don’t expect to get high rankings with a few ‘secret tricks’ that you’ve found on a shady website.

The more competitive the market, the more you have to invest to succeed.

3. Check your product

If there are only 20 people who search for your product or service in a month, then search engine optimization won’t get you far. Fortunately, good search engine optimization tools and research tools will help you to locate demands.

4. Check your website

If you only get visitors who do not buy from you, website promotion does not make sense. If you have an ugly website with a bad checkout process, then you won’t get many customers. You need a great looking website that also works on mobile devices and you need web pages that convert visitors into customers. Otherwise, getting visitors to your website will be pointless.

You also have to check the technical aspects of your site. The technology that supports your marketing activities must work. If your order form doesn’t work, it’s no wonder that you don’t get sales. The website audit tool in SEOprofiler helps you to check the technical aspects of your site.

Search engine optimization is very important and every business must do it. Before you do it, however, check the four points above. If you follow the advice of the tools in SEOprofiler, it’s likely that your business will get very good results:

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Johannes Selbach

Johannes Selbach is the CEO of SEOprofiler. He blogs about search engine optimization and website marketing topics at "".

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