We’re continually improving SEOprofiler to make sure that you get the best possible tools and the best possible results. As of today, you can view your top performing ad campaigns in the ‘Website Analytics’ section in SEOprofiler:
Which campaigns deliver the most visitors?
The new page in SEOprofiler shows you how many visitors you get through an ad, how many conversions the ad creates, and how much you earned with an ad:
Who are your visitors? Which pages do they view? Do they convert?
The analytics section in SEOprofiler has the answer to these questions. Quickly find the top pages, the top keywords, the top campaigns and much more.
Create white-label analytics reports for your clients
The website analytics tool in SEOprofiler enables you to create great-looking analytics reports in your company design for your clients.
Show your clients that you care about their business and that you’re checking the website statistics. You can create custom PDF reports, and you can offer your clients web-based access to the analytics section. The reports have no reference to SEOprofiler and your clients will think that you created the reports for them.
See it for yourself
SEOprofiler offers many powerful tools that will help you to get higher rankings on search engines. With the right tools, your website will get more visitors, and your business will get more sales. If you haven’t done it yet, try SEOprofiler now:
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