How to work with the ranking monitor: part 2 of 8

The new ranking monitor in SEOProfiler enables you to check the position of your web pages on Google, Yahoo and Bing. In this article series, we explain how to work with the ranking monitor.

The ‘All keywords’ panel

The all keywords panel shows the details of your rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing:

The ranking charts

  • The ‘Ranking distribution’ chart: The ranking distribution chart shows you how well your web pages are listed for your keywords in the top 50 results on Google, Yahoo and Bing.
  • The ‘Ranking changes’ chart: The ranking changes chart for which keywords your rankings improved or dropped. You can also see for how many keywords your web pages entered or left the top 50 results.

The keyword ranking details table

The ‘keyword ranking details’ table shows the position of your web pages for the checked keywords.

  • The checkbox column: Click the checkbox next to a keyword in this column to mark the keyword. Then you can use the small popup menu in the column header to quickly delete the keywords.
  • Google, Yahoo, Bing: These columns show the position of your website for the keyword on Google, Yahoo and Bing. The first column shows this week’s position, the second column shows the change compared to the previous ranking check.
  • Top 10: If you want to improve the position of your website for the keyword, click the ‘Top 10′ button to open the Top 10 Optimizer in SEOprofiler.
  • Delete keyword: click the red X to delete a keyword from the list.

How to get details for each keyword

Click on a keyword in the list to get detailed information about the rankings of your website for that keyword:

  • Previous positions of for the keyword: the chart shows the ranking progression of your website for the keyword on Google, Yahoo and Bing.
  • Best and worst rankings for the keyword: the tables show this weeks position, last weeks position, the best position every, the worst positon ever and the average position of your website for the keyword.
  • Result snippets: the result snippets that were displayed in the search results when we checked the ranking of your site for the keyword.
  • Competitors that are ranked for this keyword: the competitors that are listed for this keyword (based on the competitor list that you can enter in the ranking monitor)

How to search, filter and sort the list

Click the ‘Search, filter and sort the list’ link above the keyword list to open the filters:

You have the following options:

  • View only keywords with: doesn’t matter, rankings on Google, rankings on Yahoo, rankings on Bing, rankings on all, rankings on any, no rankings
  • Sort rankings by: keyword (ascending), keyword (descending), country (ascending), country (descending), ranking on Google (best), ranking on Google (worst), ranking on Yahoo (best), ranking on Yahoo (worst), ranking on Bing (best), ranking on Bing (worst)
  • Language and country: a long list of languages and countries in which you can check your rankings
  • View only keywords that contain: you can enter a keyword here
  • Keywords per page: 10, 20, 50 100

How to add new keywords to the list

Click the ‘Add keywords’ link above the list to add new keywords to the list:

  1. Enter a list of keyword in the first edit field.
  2. Select the language and the region in which you want to check the rankings.
  3. Click the ‘Add keywords’ button

The number of keywords depends on your SEOprofiler plan: Standard supports 500 keywords, Smart 1000 keywords and Professional 2,500 keywords. Each keyword/region combination counts as one keyword. Each keyword will be checked on Google, Yahoo and Bing. The free SEOprofiler version enables you to check 5 keywords.

See for yourself

Just login to your SEOprofiler account and test the new ranking manager for yourself. If you don’t have an account, you can create a free account here.

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