How to analyze the links of any website for free

Checking the links of competing websites can help you to improve the links of your own website. Unfortunately, Google Search Console shows the links that point to your own website but not the links of your competitors. Fortunately, there is a free tool that enables you to check the links of any website.

A free alternative to Google's link search operator

Why should you analyze the links of your competitors?

Google has confirmed that links from other websites are a strong ranking signal. There is a strong correlation between good links from other websites and high rankings on Google.

Find the websites and links that will give your own website a ranking boost by analyzing the links of your competitors. Analyze the links of your own website, remove bad links and improve the existing links that point to your site.

Your free link analysis tool: is a free link analysis tool that enables you to take a look at the links of any website. It enables you to find particular links quickly and easily:

free link analysis

You can filter the links by age, by anchor text, by the title of the linking page, by Link Influence Score (LIS), by industry, by context, etc.

Find the links that point to a particular page, links that contain particular words, etc. also parses the data for you so that you get the top stats with a single mouse click:

link analysis details

Billions of links at your fingertips

The link database of contains billions of links that are updated regularly. Go to now and analyze the links of any website. Don’t forget to tell your friends about this free tool.

Analyze your links now

Tom Cassy

Tom Cassy is the CEO of SEOprofiler. He blogs about search engine optimization and website marketing topics at “”.