Google releases two new algorithm updates (Panda 4.0 and and Payday loan 2.0)

On Twitter, Google’s Matt Cutts announced two new algorithm updates that target low quality content and spam content. Matt Cutts’first tweet announced the fourth version of Google’s Panda algorithm:

The Panda algorithm targets websites with poor quality content. This is a bigger update which means that Google probably changed how they identify low quality content.

One hour after the announcement of the new Panda algorithm, Matt Cutts announced a new version of the Payday Loan algorithm:

The original Payday Loan algorithm was released in June 2013. It is not related to Google’s Panda or Penguin algorithms and it targets ‘very spammy queries’.

How does this affect your web pages?

If you haven’t spammed Google, these two updates won’t do anything to your rankings. Both algorithms target web spam. If you do not spam, you have nothing to fear.

If you want to get lasting results, do not use spammy methods to promote your website. Use white-hat methods and play by the rules. Your website’s Google rankings will be much more stable then.

SEOprofiler only uses white-hat SEO methods that play by the rules. If you haven’t done it yet, create your trial account now:

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Tom Cassy

Tom Cassy is the CEO of SEOprofiler. He blogs about search engine optimization and website marketing topics at “”.

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