Google: the Panda 4.2 update is slow for technical reasons

In a Google Hangout, Google’s John Mueller explained why the latest Panda 4.2 rollout update is taking months instead of weeks:

“[The Panda rollout] is actually pretty much a similar update to before. For technical reasons we are rolling it out a bit slower. It is not that we are trying to confuse people with this. It is really just for technical reasons.

So, it is not that we are crawling slowly. We are crawling and indexing normal, and we are using that content as well to recognize higher quality and lower quality sites. But we are rolling out this information in a little bit more slower way. Mostly for technical reasons.

It is not like we are making this process slower by design, it is really an internal issue on our side.”

That means that it can take months until you see a positive or negative impact of the Panda update. You can view the video here:

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Tom Cassy

Tom Cassy is the CEO of SEOprofiler. He blogs about search engine optimization and website marketing topics at “”.