Google: three example links that can hurt your website rankings

In a discussion in an online forum, Google’s Eric Kuan gave a webmaster three examples of low quality backlinks that can have a negative influence on the search engine rankings of a website. In this article, you’ll learn why Google thinks that these links are spam:

spam links examples

Why does Google think that these links are spam?

  • The first link on is a keyword rich footer link with this HTML code: <a href=’//’ rel=’dofolow’>dan piano</a>.

    Keyword rich footer links are always suspicious, especially if the website is not related to the linked website. If the link contains a rel=’dofollow’, it becomes even more suspicious.

  • The second link on is a classic forum spam link: <a href="//" target="_blank">đàn Guitar</a>. Automatically created keyword rich links from forums are a major spam signal.
  • The link from the website has been removed in the meantime. It looks as if this was an automatically created user profile link. There have been many spam tools that automatically created user profile links from hundreds of websites.

How to get rid of bad backlinks that damage your rankings

Google does not link bad backlinks. Use the link disinfection tool in SEOprofiler to get rid of bad backlinks that damage the rankings of your web pages. Just enter the URL of your website and the link disinfection tool shows the links that have a negative influence on the rankings of your web pages:

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Tom Cassy

Tom Cassy is the CEO of SEOprofiler. He blogs about search engine optimization and website marketing topics at “”.