On Twitter, Google’s John Mueller said that you shouldn’t optimize your web pages for RankBrain. RankBrain is Google’s AI that interprets search queries to deliver the right results.
I think that train has left the station – we use machine learning in so many places, it doesn't make sense to try to single out RankBrain and to guess individual factors involved. Ranking is complex. Sorry for not having a simple answer, but IMO the question is irrelevant :).
— ? John ? (@JohnMu) 5. November 2018
RankBrain is nothing that webmasters can control. It’s the way Google interprets the queries that are entered in the search box. According to Google’s Search Quality Senior Strategist Andrey Lipattsev, the links that point to a website and the content of the website are the most important signals in Google’s ranking algorithm.
The content of your web pages shows Google that your pages are relevant to a particular topic. The links that point to your website show Google that your website is better than other websites. The tools in SEOprofiler help you to improve both: