The keywords that you choose for your search engine optimization activities are an important factor that influences the success of your campaigns. Which keywords should you choose and how should you use these keywords?
People use different search phrases
There are as many different approaches to search as there are different people.
Some searchers use fragment queries such as “fix coffee maker”. Others use more specific queries such as “why doesn’t my coffee maker turn on” or “[brand model] coffee maker trouble shooting”.
While most searches use two-word queries, the chosen words vary a lot. Individuals search differently and they phrase their queries in distinct ways.
What does this mean for you?
The keywords with which you come up first might not be the same keywords that your customers use. Don’t assume that other people will use the same search terms as you to solve the same problem.
Many searchers phrase their query in form of a question
Some searchers choose to ask a question while others choose to make a statement. About a third of searchers phrase their query in the form of a question (‘how, ‘why’, ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘which’). Most people use a non-question form.
‘How’ questions are more popular than ‘why’ questions. A search term such as ‘How do I fix my coffee maker?’ is more likely to be used than ‘Why is my coffee maker not working?’. People are searching for solutions, not for reasons.
What does this mean for you?
If your website contains pages that answer particular questions, it is more likely that these pages will be ranked for these queries.
There are different research phases with different search terms
When web surfers want to purchase something online, they go through three research phases. Searchers usually start with general keywords.
Searchers in the research phase want specific information. They want a quick solution and not detailed explanations. Create educating content that targets users in different research phases.
Keyword research tools are a good start
To get as many targeted visitors as possible, you have to developed distinct approaches for the individual ways people search.
Keyword research tools can help a lot to get new keyword ideas for your business. However, you shouldn’t rely solely on them. Be creative when you choose the keywords for your web pages.
Do not vision how searchers might choose to phrase a query. Phrases vary, often widely, from one searcher to the next.
The tools in SEOprofiler help you to find good keywords for your business. They also help you to optimize your pages for these keywords. If you haven’t done it yet, try SEOprofiler now: