How to use heading tags on your web pages (and how to check them)

Although the impact of heading tags has diminished, they are still important for users and search engine optimization. Read this article to learn how to use heading tags on your web pages.

Good headings

1. Use heading tags to structure your web pages

The H1 heading tag on a web page tells the web page visitor what the page is all about. H2 heading tags help you to make your text easier to parse. Your web page content will be much easier to read if you use headings to structure your text.

Many website visitors do not read the whole content of a page. The easier it is to scan the content of your pages, the better your pages will perform. If a page is easy to understand, it’s more likely that people will link to it.

2. Use your keywords in your heading tags

It used to be critically important to use your keywords in heading tags on your web pages. Although that’s no longer necessary, pages with clearly structured content usually rank better than pages that lack a clear focus.

Keywords in your heading tags help Google to understand that content of your pages. Do not include every possible keyword in your headings. Create readable content that focuses on the most important keywords.

3. Use the right heading tags

Although it’s possible to use more than one H1 heading tag on a web page, it’s not a best practice to do so. Use the H1 tag for the main heading of your website and then use H2-H6 tags for subsections on your page.

You can use more than one H1 tag on a page, but it’s an indicator of bad website design. Use the same heading design on all pages of your website.

4. Interesting headings are…

Get your visitors’ attention with compelling headings. If the main heading on a page is boring, visitors might leave your website without reading the page.

Use evocative words and leave some mystery that encourages the reader to wonder what the article will say.

Here’s a famous quote by David Ogilvy, known as the “Father of Advertising”: “On the average, 5 times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent 80 cents out of your dollar.”

How to check the headings on your web pages

The Top 10 Optimizer tool in SEOprofiler analyzes your web page headings and the links that point to your pages. The website audit tool in SEOprofiler automatically checks the heading tags on all pages on your website:

Check your pages now

Tom Cassy

Tom Cassy is the CEO of SEOprofiler. He blogs about search engine optimization and website marketing topics at “”.