Better mobile search engine optimization

More than half of all online searches are carried out on mobile devices. If you want to attract as many customers as possible, your pages must be listed in the mobile search results.

Being listed in Google’s mobile results is the first step to succeed. However, it’s not enough if you want to get new customers with your mobile website. Mobile SEO is more than just having a mobile-ready website.

better mobile search engine optimization

Here are three things that help you to improve the results that you can get with your mobile website:

1. Check your landing pages

Landing pages on mobile phones can be different from landing pages for desktop computers. Typing on mobile phones is difficult and most people don’t like it. Make sure that the forms on your mobile web pages require as little information as possible. The easier it is to do the required action on your mobile landing page, the better.

Place a call to action above the fold and make sure that all elements and forms are easy to tap. Keep your mobile landing page to the point. People who view web pages on mobile phones are busy.

2. Improve your website

Smartphones have small screens. Busy pages with a lot of elements are confusing. In addition, each additional element on a web page increases the load time of the page, which is a bad thing for mobile.

Everything on your mobile web pages should be easy to use and easy to understand. Show your website visitors a clear path with clear call-to-action buttons and easy web page navigation.

Remove everything that isn’t necessary: animated backgrounds, background videos, etc. Focus on a single goal on your mobile web pages.

3. Make it easy to find your contact information

Mobile searches are often used to find local businesses. For local stores, the mobile website has two main purposes:

  • Show people where your business is located.
  • Make it easy to call your business.

Include a map on your website and/or include a link to Google Maps so people can navigate to your store with Google Maps. If you want to embed Google Maps on your website, make sure that it is GDPR compliant. A map image with a link to Google Maps might be the better option.

Your address should be easy to find on your mobile website. A “Call now” button also helps people to contact you. Use tel: in your link to make a phone number clickable in mobile phones:

<a href=”tel:9876543210″>987 654 3210</a>


<a href=”tel:9876543210″>Call us now</a>

Optimized pages get more customers

The tips above help you to improve the conversion rate of your mobile web pages. SEOprofiler offers mobile SEO tools that help you to optimize your website for smartphones. You can create your account here:

Better mobile SEO

Tom Cassy

Tom Cassy is the CEO of SEOprofiler. He blogs about search engine optimization and website marketing topics at “”.