New in SEOprofiler: how does your website look on different devices?

People use a variety of devices to access websites. Websites that look great on desktop computers might not look as great on mobile phones. On tablet computers, they might have a totally different look than on other devices. In addition, the look of your website can change if people use tablets horizontally or vertically.

You should know what your customers see when they visit your website

If you do not know how your website looks on different devices, some customers might get an ugly website. That’s not good for your business. For that reason, you should check your website to make sure that your website visitors get the correct design.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to test your website without buying multiple devices.

How to find out how your website looks on different devices

We have added a new feature to our new website audit tool. The new page ‘Devices’ shows the look of your website on desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet computers and mobile phones.

Just click the ‘Devices’ link in the tool menu on the left of your SEOprofiler account go get this page:

different devices

Also available in the white-label reports

The new ‘Devices’ page is also available in the white-label report that you can create with SEOprofiler.

The white-label reports in SEOprofiler have no reference to SEOprofiler. You can use your own company logo, your own colors and your own texts. Your clients won’t find out that you used SEOprofiler to create the reports.

Try it now with your own website – it’s free

The new ‘Devices’ page is a free addition to the website audit tool in SEOprofiler. If you haven’t done it yet, create your SEOprofiler account now. The ‘Devices’ page is even available in the free demo version:

Try SEOprofiler now!

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Tom Cassy

Tom Cassy is the CEO of SEOprofiler. He blogs about search engine optimization and website marketing topics at “”.

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